Thursday 6 October 2011

Scent of a woman response.

SCENT OF A WOMAN! WOW! Great movie. I loved the story line, the acting, everything about it was enticing and made me very very pleased. Al Pacino is an amazing actor and his role as a blind man was played oustandingly. The comedy in it mixed with the tension mixed well and I didn't want it to end! I encourage everyone to watch it! There is some swearing but just hearing Al Pacino say HOO- AH! makes it all worth it.

Scent of a women: 4.4/5 

Saturday 1 October 2011

Monty Python's Meaning Of Life Response.

Hello viewers! Another movie review for you! This time it's on Monty Python's Meaning Of Life. For those of you who are not familiar with Monty Python I'll give you a little description of them. Monty Python is a comedy group of 6 men. They made a T.V. series called Monty Pythons Flying Circus and continued on to make 4 movies (all of which are great by the way) but those are not the ones i'm reviewing, so for now, lets focus on Meaning of life. 

I expected (after watching their previous films) to be impressed with Meaning Of Life, and I am pleased to say that it did live up to my expectations. Everything from the extremely random beginning, to removing a man's liver screamed Monty Python and I couldn't stop laughing. On a more serious note, this is without a doubt, their most crudest film and I caution viewers faint of heart not to watch it. The content varies; blood, vomit, sexual references, animations. But all this DOES help progress the plot as well as make it that much more hilarious, because without it the film would not be nearly as good. I love the film, It was enjoyable and funny, and I encourage you to watch it. HAVE FUN! 

Monty Python's Meaning Of Life: 4/5 


Saturday 24 September 2011


So recently I watched a movie called Slumdog Millionaire. A quick description: A boy goes on India's version of "Who wants to be a millionaire" and wins it all.... how did he do it? most think hes a cheat.. when put under the strain of investigation he is forced to reveal how he answered all the questions that had stumped the best of the best... as you watch this movie you follow his life from a little kid to a grown man, and you follow him through times of love and hardship. 

I loved this movie! One of my favourites, and now i know why it won best motion picture. I loved the story line, at times it made my heart race, and i love that about a movie. Some movies dont grasp at me and pull me in.. but this one did the job well. It kept me on edge and waiting for more. It was also not an easy to read movie.. there were so many twists and turns, good things happening, and boom next second horrible things happening, and i was pleased with everything they did. One thing i didnt exactly like about the film is the accents. I know that the whole movie is based in India, and obviously they cant just take away the accents, but i did find it hard to understand them at times. I would reccomend this movie to almost anyone, there is some swearing and other mild content. But remember its always good not to look at these things and think OOHH THATS BAD IM NOT WATCHING.. we should think about how these things help the plot and add to character, and sometimes without them it would not be as good of a movie in a realistic sense. Thats my view with all movies which have some mild content. Thanks for reading! 

Slumdog Millionaire: 4.2/5

Sunday 18 September 2011


So recently I watched two movies. One is Taxi Driver, and the other is Goodfellas. One of my favourite actors is Robert De Niro, and I loved how he played both his characters in each of these movies, particularily Jimmy in Goodfellas. I liked the story line of Goodfellas better, however, as well as i found it was more intricate  and complex than the Taxi Driver. When the first scene came on i was kind of in shock (sorry for those of you who havn't watched it). I was like... wow... that just happened? I didn't know a first scene could be that violent, but i continued to watch it and fell in love with the story. Taxi driver didn't really have that gripping feeling with me like Goodfellas, i found after a while i was getting bored and soon just wanted it to be over, but i stayed with it and watched the whole thing, and found it wasn't bad over all. They were both good movies and I'll most likely want to watch them again. 

Goodfellas: 3.5/5
Taxi Driver: 3/5

Saturday 28 May 2011

This is a story I made. It's about my cousin, getting eatin... by mermaids.... XD enjoy!

Jacob sat in his dingy in the middle of the ocean, and was still under chase by Jordan. Jacob had brought this upon himself, he had resigned himself to that much. It had all started at a pirates of the Caribbean movie fest, where upon Jacob decided to mix several pixie sticks and other such candies into Jordan’s delicious (until being tainted that is) lemonade, this resulted in Jacob being forced to go on the run as Jordan went into a rampage never before seen by man.
The joyous thoughts of laughter and watching movies brought a wave of homesickness over Jacob. He decided to go for a nap to ease his thoughts. He pulled his blanket out of his bag and covered himself with it from neck to toes. He took in a final breath of the salty night air and fell asleep almost instantly.
It was a cold dark night, and as silent as the grave. The smooth, flat surface of the water was as gentle as ever, and reflected the stars and the moon above. Suddenly Jacob jerked awake without cause or provocation. All he knew was that he now knew the feeling (as some would say in movies) of being watched. Everything remained silent and still and his heart began to slow back to a more decent pace. He looked around in every direction, as far as the darkness of the night would allow, and yet could still not make out the cause of his immense discomfort. His stomach gave a demanding grumble, and so he decided to fish out a chocolate bar from the depths of his bag. It must be the hunger, he thought, that’s what’s woken me. As he began to un-wrap his chocolate bar he could hear a high pitched noise coming from the depths of the ocean getting louder and closer with every passing second. His hands shook as he ripped off the wrapper, and tried with all his might to ignore the pounding force of the noise. He began to rock back and forth, and was almost on the verge of tears. The noise grew louder, and his head seemed to want to explode, and his ear drums began to bleed. Just when it seemed he could last no longer the noise stopped, and was replaced by the most beautiful singing voice he had ever heard. It sounded like a thousand voices had blended into one, to create a perfect harmony. Jacob opened his eyes in search for this wondrous noise and found it almost instantly. The singing was coming from a creature at the front of the boat. Jacob fell backwards into the back end of the boat, but almost instantly fell back to the front as he took in the creature’s appearance for the first time. It was not, in face, a monstrous creature from hell but the most beautiful mermaid he had ever seen. True, he thought to himself, he had never truly seen a mermaid in the flesh, but he had heard stories and read books on them. One thing that was common throughout all his studies of them was the fact that mermaids were extremely dangerous and deceiving, as they loved the taste of human flesh. This fact, however, was forgotten to Jacob almost instantly as he couldn’t see how something so beautiful could possibly hurt anyone or anything. The mermaid’s face shone a light gold color, even in the darkness of the night. Her skin was perfectly smooth, and her lips full and luscious. It was as if the best sculptor of the world had carved a goddess in stone and it had come to life, its sole purpose being that of wooing the hearts of even the strongest willed men. Her bright golden hair was long, and fell gracefully from a top her head, and down her shoulders, where it floated on the water like seaweed drifting in a gentle current. Her breasts were cupped with a bra of green seaweed which seemed to be attached to her skin, and even the most beautiful model of the world would envy the way her perfect curves seemed to flow perfectly into the rest of her body which was a large green tail fin, which began to sway faster and faster below the surface as Jacob came closer.
            She still continued to sing, even when he was less than a foot away, she had no fear of him, only the feeling of intense excitement that she felt every time she had managed to find a good human meal. She let the last note of the song die in her throat when he was close enough to grab, and proceeded to slowly stretch out her arm and stroke his cheek with the tips of her fingers. Jacob thrust his head forward, covering the last bit of space that was between them, and their lips connected. She raised her other hand out of the water, and now cupped both of his cheeks in her soft palms, pulling him towards her into the water. He was now fully in the water, and the mermaid parted her lips from his. She grabbed out at his hand with surprising speed and precision considering her whole arm was submerged in water, and yanked him down below the surface. Her hair and eyes changed to the color of dark red, and her lips turned black, giving her an altogether demonic look, nothing compared to her former beauty. Jacob saw this change and knew he was not in a good position. His heart pounded furiously in his chest, and his lungs began to burn for air. He lashed out at her arm holding him, but she kept a strong grip on him, making sure she did not lose this delectable meal. One of her hands shot through the water and towards his neck where she grabbed a chunk of flesh and veins and ripped it out, and began to chew away on the rubber meat. Instantly a fountain of blood poured out of the gaping hole in his neck, and obstructed the mermaid’s vision.  She grabbed his thighs with both hands and dragged him deeper, so as to escape the cloud of blood. Her hands were already at his thighs so she figured she’d start there. She dug her nails into his thick meaty thigh muscles and pulled, ripping off chunks of his flesh. The sea water stung viciously at his open wounds and burst several of his open veins. Jacob lost all sanity at that point, he had no idea where he was or who he was, and began to scream, oblivious to the fact that he was underwater and that his screams would be heard by no one. His scream died out and his lungs and throat burned as he inhaled a large amount of sea water. The crazed blood red eyes of the mermaid were the last thing that he saw before his soul slipped into the next world. The mermaid now had as much time as she pleased to slowly pick apart her well-earned prey. She ripped off each limb, chewing and digesting the meat and fat on them in a matter of seconds, until only the bones were left. She hacked away the rest of the flesh of his neck, gripped his head under her arm, and started on his torso. When she was finally done eating every part that was not bone, she turned to the head. The head of a human is a wonderful delicacy in the mermaid realm. She held it between her hands and impaled her razor sharp teeth into his thick, boney skull. It cracked open and she pried out the brain. Instead of eating it however, she swam up to the surface where the boat was, the brain still in her hand, and jumped into the boat where she started to transform. Her hair became much shorter and turned brown, her breasts deflated on her chest and the seaweed bra vanished, the tail too had changed, it had disappeared and been replaced by a pair of human legs. The thing that was a mermaid not three seconds ago had now transformed into none other than Jordan himself. He placed the brain in a jar which he had conjured from midair, and placed it on the floor of the boat. He grabbed the oars and started to row himself to more populated areas of water, where more prey awaited him. As he rowed he whistled to himself. The song of his choice: the Pirates of the Caribbean theme song. 

Friday 20 May 2011

This is a scene from THE ABYSS. I have taken the Script, and added some of my own writing to it. Anything that is not someone talking, is mine. Enjoy.

Lindseys arms begin to flail around as her lungs intake large amounts of sea water. Slowly her fingers slacken as she drifts out of consciousness. Bud grabs her around the waist, opens the hatch to the now totally flooded submarine and begins to pull her back to the rig, breathing in the wondrous oxygen strapped to his back. The hot trickle of tears begins to fall on his cheeks as he pulls her forward, while his throat still burns from the scream that escaped him when Lindsey had let out her last gasp of air, but he continues on toward the rig with her body lolling beside him like a rag doll. He gets close to the rig and tries his radio.

Bud: Deepcore, Deepcore, do you read?

There's a moment of silence on the line, Bud's breathing gets faster and his heart starts to pound like a million thunderstorms. Suddenly a voice, loud and clear comes through.

Hippy: Read you Bud, We're here.

Bud swims with long powerful kicks, towing Lindsey. Her arms and legs float as gracefully as seaweed through a gentle current. Buds voice comes through the radio again, this time with more strength and determination powering it.

Bud: Go to the infirmary... get the cart... oxygen... de-fib kit... adrenaline in a 10cc syringe and some heating blankets... you got all that?

Hippy: Got it. Over.

Bud becomes more confident and swims even harder towards the rig.

Inside the rig things are hectic. The infirmary door crashes open as Jammer charges in, picks up the CPR cart and bolts out past the others who start to grab everything they can.

Bud moves upwards towards the rectangle of light, towing Lindsey alongside him. He sees the others above him, setting up the infirmary equipment with a hectic, yet careful pace.

Sonny: Here he comes!

Jammer and Sonny leap into the icy cold water and drag Lindsey onto the deck, her skin is blue and her chest is still, and not breathing. Bud rips off his helmet with a mad frenzy, like a man possessed, a man with a mission. The others look upon Lindsey and see a corpse, they have no real hope but can't bear to tell Bud.

Bud: Com on hurry! Give me the de-fib!
Catfish: Here, here! No, wait it won't work you need bare skin first!

Bud rips open Lindeys shirt to reveal her skinny unmoving chest. He places one of the electrodes on her sternum, and one on the side of her rib cage.

Bud: Is that alright? Is this alright?!?
Hippy: Yeah! I mean... I don't know, it looks right.
Bud: Alright do it!

One night grabs the de-fib and hits the switch. Her body arches, it is a pure muscle reflex, and when it is over, there is still no sign of life. Hippy puts the black rubber oxygen mask on her face, feeding oxygen into her lungs.

Bud: Do it again, One night! Zap her again!

Lindseys back arches again as she is zapped, yet her body remains motionless.

Bud: Come on One night!!! What are you waiting for!?!?

A silence falls over the group, they all know its over. Bud looks at them all, half mad with grief, his look asks them all why they aren't trying to save Lindsey. One Night begins to cry quietly. Catfish moves to put his hand on Buds shoulder and says gently:

Catfish: It's over man. Bud, it's over.

Bud looks at Catfish with pleading eyes, eyes that ask what only God can do. He looks back at Lindsey, and looks into her eyes. He becomes insane with grief, suddenly he rips Catfishes hand off his shoulder and throws himself on Lindsey, giving her mouth to mouth and chest compressions, doubling his efforts to save her.

Bud: NO! NO! She's not... her heart is strong... she wants to live, can't you see that??! Come on Lins, come on baby!! Zap her again! Do it... DO IT!!

They zap her again, and he continues to give her mouth to mouth.

Bud: Come on, breathe! Goddamn it, you bitch, you never walked away from anything in life! NOW FIGHT!!

Bud slaps her face hard, her head lolls to the side, and he slaps her the other way.


Buds voice becomes coarse from yelling and his screams mix with his sobs.


His screams echo back at him, and he begins to sob, tears run down his face like someone turned on a faucet in his head. Suddenly a soft cough comes from the slightly parted lips of Lindsey. Her hands clench in a spasm and she begins to cough more violently. The group watches amazed as Bud wills her on.

Bud: Come on, Lins... you can do it... fight your way back, baby...

Color starts to return to her skin, and her coughs become hackings and howlings. Bud puts the oxygen to her mouth, and she draws in breath after agonizing breath. Tears stream down Buds face and he bends down close to Lindsey, kissing her on the forehead.

Bud: You did it, ace.