Saturday 24 September 2011


So recently I watched a movie called Slumdog Millionaire. A quick description: A boy goes on India's version of "Who wants to be a millionaire" and wins it all.... how did he do it? most think hes a cheat.. when put under the strain of investigation he is forced to reveal how he answered all the questions that had stumped the best of the best... as you watch this movie you follow his life from a little kid to a grown man, and you follow him through times of love and hardship. 

I loved this movie! One of my favourites, and now i know why it won best motion picture. I loved the story line, at times it made my heart race, and i love that about a movie. Some movies dont grasp at me and pull me in.. but this one did the job well. It kept me on edge and waiting for more. It was also not an easy to read movie.. there were so many twists and turns, good things happening, and boom next second horrible things happening, and i was pleased with everything they did. One thing i didnt exactly like about the film is the accents. I know that the whole movie is based in India, and obviously they cant just take away the accents, but i did find it hard to understand them at times. I would reccomend this movie to almost anyone, there is some swearing and other mild content. But remember its always good not to look at these things and think OOHH THATS BAD IM NOT WATCHING.. we should think about how these things help the plot and add to character, and sometimes without them it would not be as good of a movie in a realistic sense. Thats my view with all movies which have some mild content. Thanks for reading! 

Slumdog Millionaire: 4.2/5

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