Wednesday 28 March 2012


Jordan's anger flared at the sight of Robbie deleting him. Silently, he closed his laptop, got up from his sitting position in the grass, and walked up behind Robbie, feeling that same anger and pure hatred welling up inside of him. He let this anger power his strike as he led the pickax straight down into the brain of Robbie, exploding brain tissue and skull fragments everywhere, spraying a fine mist of blood over the newly budding petunias near by. The pickax made a squelching noise as he heaved it out of the mans brain, bringing with it pieces of the soft pale tissue, leaving a gaping hole the size of a tennis ball in the back of his head. Robbie's body lay on the ground, blood pouring out of his head. Jordan took off the axe which had been holstered to his belt, slowly, wanting to enjoy the moment. He swung it down and chopped off each limb, each time with excellent precision, first through the muscle and then another swing through the bone, taking a savage pleasure with each blow. A pool of blood was forming around the body from the exposed limbs, dyeing Jordan's shoes a deep red color and forcing the grass around them to inhale it like a sick form of rain. When he was finished with each limb he stood over the body with a triumphant pleasure and a smile to accompany it. He thought to himself You've done it Jonny Boy, you've popped the cork on this young'un. Slowly he bent down into a crouching position next to the body and leaned forward, inhaling the strong metallic fumes of Robbie's blood. Slowly, he reached out his hand and shoved it deep inside the gaping whole of Robbie's head, grabbed onto a fairly large piece of tissue and gave it a hearty tug. It was very resilient, squirming out of his fingers with every tug, clinging on to the inside of the skull where it had lived for so long. A strange rage filled him at this piece of brain tissue. He picked up his axe that had been tossed aside in the grass and started to chop at it. Finally it gave way and he brought it to his lips, licked it with the tip of his tongue, savoring the taste, then shoved it whole into his mouth, grinding the rubbery matter with his teeth until it was small enough to be swallowed and digested. Suddenly his stomach gave an almighty lurch and had burst open, creating a hole the size of a basketball. His intestines drooped out of the hole and fell on the ground in a knotted bunch. The recently digested pieces of brain tissue crawled out of his stomach and reentered Robbie's brain. Slowly the lifeless body of Robbie had arose, floating toward Jordan with menacing slowness. The floating body exploded everywhere, from its stomach came a thousand nails which pierced almost every inch of Jordan's body. He fell to the ground, bleeding out profusely, unaware of what had just occurred, not sure if he quite wanted to understand, until he too became a lifeless soul of the underworld.